ZeEUS – Zero Emission Urban Bus System
Bringing electrification to the heart of the urban bus network
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Testing electrification solutions at the heart of the urban bus system network through live demonstrations and facilitating the market uptake of electric buses in Europe. ZeEUS, the Zero Emission Urban Bus System, aims to be the flagship EU project to extend the fully-electric solution to the core part of the urban bus network. It follows on recommendations from fellow UITP European bus system projects [EBSF and 3iBS] to apply the electric solution to urban bus systems.
The project fits within the context of the European Commission’s objective to create a competitive and sustainable transport system by deploying alternative fuels to reduce transport emissions and improve air quality and noise levels in urban areas. To achieve its mission, ZeEUS will test a wide range of different innovative electric bus technologies and charging infrastructure solutions in ten demonstration sites across 9 European countries with varying operational conditions to validate their economic, environmental and social viability.
The ZeEUS consortium is comprised of the entire stakeholder spectrum that represents all of the key actors and decision maker categories who will facilitate the process of extending the electric solution to the core urban bus network. The 40 partners represent Public Transport Authorities, Public Transport Operators, Industry and Vehicle Manufacturers, Energy Providers, Universities and Research Centres, Engineering Firms, Consultancies and Associations.
Moreover, the ZeEUS project aims to be the flagship electric bus project that will also closely follow the development of electric bus systems all around the world through the ZeEUS Observatory. Selected and Monitored Demonstrations will directly contribute to some of the core ZeEUS activities and strategic outputs.