3rd European Electromobility Stakeholder Forum

From to
Brussels, Belgium
The EU's three flagship electromobility will meet for the 3rd time in Brussels to present their findings and plans on electromobility in Europe, including topics such as standardisation, business models or public policy.
ZeEUS, Green eMotion and FREVUE projects cover all of the key modes of electrified transport and their project results gathered by real life demonstrations will provide stakeholders and decision makers with all of the key information and results to help implement the wide scale adoption of electromobility for cars (Green eMotion), urban buses (ZeEUS, coordinated by UITP) and freight (FREVUE).
The forum will be a mixture of parallel thematic workshops and high level round tables, with participation of representatives from the European Commission, other European projects, national and regional political stakeholders as well as industry and research institutes. The forum, which is returning for its third edition, promises to be one of the key events in the European Electromobility sector.
Agenda and registration are available here.
In case of any questions, please contact Ms. Stephanie Leonard at stephanie.leonard@uitp.org.