CITIES Forum 2015 - An Urban agenda for Europe

Brussels, Belgium
The 2nd European CITIES Forum will focus on the urban dimension of EU policies and the next steps towards an EU urban agenda.
To better understand how this agenda could be set up and work, the European Commission launched a public consultation. The Commission will now present the results of the consultation. Urban stakeholders at local, national and European level will have an opportunity to have a political and practical discussion on how to make the EU urban agenda a reality.
The Forum will also see the official launch of the Urban Innovative Actions, an EU initiative to support innovative approaches to tackle future urban challenges in cities across Europe. 370 million euro is available for cities to come forward with their most innovative projects.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit a ZeEUS' stand during this event!
To read more and see an agenda, please follow this link.
Please note that the registration is free but obligatory. The organisers kindly ask you to register here within 25 May.
For more information, please contact CITIES Forum Secretariat: .