Electric Bus Training & Study Tour in China

From to
Shenzhen / Zhengzhou China
The deployment of electric buses has risen noticeably over the past 5 to 10 years, influenced by national energy policies worldwide and driven by environmental requirements more than by commercial considerations. To address the urban air quality concerns, China has strong commitment in the adoption of fully-electric solution for urban bus network. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the city aims to have 100% of its buses powered by electricity by the end of 2017, which equates to more than 16,000 pure electric buses in operation.
UITP has initiated an Electric Bus Training and Study Tour in China, locally hosted by Shenzhen Bus Group Co., Ltd and Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. We aim to provide a classroom training in Shenzhen, and offer a Study Tour covering Shenzhen and Zhengzhou to provide members and non-members a rewarding experience to visit the Chinese city with the largest electric bus usage, and the home for the top electric bus manufacturer in China.
Experienced gathered in the ZeEUS project will be presented by Pauline Bruge.
The training programme and study tour, including training documents, will be conducted in English. For more information visit this website.