Smart Charging: steering the charge, driving the change EURELECTRIC Seminar

Brussels, Belgium
The one-day workshop of EURELECTRIC is organised within the frames of 'Talking Smart Grid'. This series of events gather exerts to share experiences on technological progress and discuss policy needs for further smart grid uptake.
This seminar will be dedicated to the potential, challenges and benefits of smart charging for electric vehicles. Additionally, EURELECTRIC will present its new report on smart charging and will gather first reactions from EU policymakers, electricity and automotive industry as well as consumer bodies. The final part will be devoted to the results of specific EU funded projects on smart charging and e-mobility.
In this last section Umberto Guida, UITP Projects Director, will present the ZeEUS project. We warmly invite you to participate and find out more about ZeEUS' background, objectives and ongoing activities.
Click here to see the agenda of the event.
Registration is obligatory with a fee of 50 EUR. To see the website of the event and register online, follow this link.
If you'd like to find out more about the ZeEUS' role in the workshop, do not hesitate to contact Umberto Guida.