European Sustainable Energy Week 2016

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Brussels, Belgium
European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a month-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. It brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power. Launched in 2006 by the European Commission, the EUSEW is organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in close cooperation with Directorate-General for Energy.
Organised by the EC, this year's Policy Conference (14-16 June) will be accompanied by an exhibition (15-16 June) featuring sustainable energy solutions. One of the stands will be dedicated to electromobility projects: ZeEUS, EBSF_2 and ELIPTIC. Do not miss the chance to visit us at the Résidence Palace - Rue de la Loi, 155 C, B-1040 Brussels (see map)!
You can read more about this event here.
For more info, please contact Marta Van den Bergh -