IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference

From to
Florence, Italy
The IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference will take place from 17 to 19 December 2014 in Florence, Italy.
The IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference serves the global engineering community as a leadership platform to identify market, technology and standardization opportunities for electrified vehicles and related infrastructure. Key executives of the private and public sector, academic leaders, and standardization experts will contribute to an interactive dialogue on how to develop the transportation electrification ecosystem utilizing technology waves such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Automated Driving. Automotive OEM’s have invested large sums in the development of electrified vehicles such as EVs, PHEVs and fuel-cell powered vehicles. This combined with mandated reductions of CO2 emissions will require the implementation of long term strategies from both industry and government on how to increase market share of electrified vehicles in global markets.
The ZeEUS project will participate in two workshops: 2.1 Clean Cities on 18 December and 3.1 Europe meets IEVC on 19 December. Additionally, the project will be presented in a Poster-Dialogue Session "ZeEUS: Zero Emission Urban Bus System Testing Different Charging Strategies and Energy Supply Modes for Electric Buses in Live Operational Demonstrations" on 19 December 2014.
More information about the conference, registration form and agenda are available here.