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ZeEUS – Zero Emission Urban Bus System

Bringing electrification to the heart of the urban bus network

Launch Event - Bonn Demonstration


Bonn, Germany

We are pleased to announce that the ZeEUS Launch Event in Bonn will take place on 28 April 2016 from 13:00 to 15:00. The agenda of the event includes speeches from the Ashok Sridharan (Mayor of the City of Bonn), Nick Nuttall (Spokesman for UNFCCC), Jürgen Fenske (President of VDV) and Daniela Rosca (Head of the Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit of DG MOVE, EC), Pauline Bruge (UITP, EU Projects Manager) and Dr. Thoralf Knote (Fraunhofer IVI).

Afterwards, the participants will have a chance to ride on one of the demonstration buses. If you wish to attend the event, please proceed to the registration (here) until 22 April.

The objective of the Bonn demo is to help reduce noise pollution and improve air quality in its core urban area by demonstrating full electric battery buses in the city. The ZeEUS Bonn demo is of an overall concept to convert almost the entire bus fleet to battery based electric propulsion by 2030. Therefore, one of the key aims of the ZeEUS demonstration is to get first experiences with the operation of battery buses to adjust the strategy and the planned steps towards a conversion of nearly all buses.

The Bonn demo will test 6 full battery electric Sileo buses manufactured by Bozankaya. The vehicles will operate on the parallel lines 606/607 that cross the heart of the city centre, but also on other lines to show their suitability. The charging infrastructure that will be used in the Bonn demonstration is slow overnight charging at the bus depot.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact Pauline Bruge:

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