Project ZeEUS - E-buses in all-day service at Stadtwerke Bonn

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Bonn, Germany
On 1 and 2 September 2016, the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) organises jointly with the Stadtwerke Bonn the ZeEUS project event "E-buses in all-day service at Stadtwerke Bonn".
On the first day Mr. Reining will report by Stadtwerke Bonn on the experience gained in operating the ZeEUS vehicles and provide an update on the current status of ZeEUS projects. In the subsequent practical part a ride on the ZeEUS vehicles will be offered. In the evening, a common navigation on the Rhine with dinner takes place.
The second day will offer a discussion on the organizational requirements for operation. Simultaneously, UITP will organise a 2nd ZeEUS Observatory workshop on procurement of e-buses.
To obtain more information about the VDV seminar, please proceed here.
The ZeEUS Observatory workshop is upon invitation only. Contact Pauline Bruge ( for more information.