Sustainable Mobility Week 2015 - Sardinia

From to
Sardinia, Italy
The action "Settimana Europea della Mobilità Sostenibile 2015" of the Region of Sardinia is the local dimension of the European Sustainable Mobility Week. Nearly 90 sustainable events involving more than 20 municipalities and bodies have been scheduled on the Italian island between 16 and 22 September. The objective of celebrating Sustainable Mobility Week in Sardinia is to encourage citizens to use alternative means of transport to the private car and apply the European slogan for 2015: "Choose. Change. Combine".
ZeEUS will be feature on 19 September at 9:00 and 13:00 in the presentation "Project ZeEUS - Cagliari, city chosen for the testing of the full electric trolley buses". The full programme with all the events is available on this page (in Italian).
Additionally, the ZeEUS project will be presented at the conference "Solutions on the move. Intermodality, integration and innovation: the new mobility for growth of Sardinia." on 22 September. You can read more about this event here.
The action is sponsored by the European Commission with the participation of the Ministry of Environment.
More information can be found here (in Italian).