Tatra Summit - Investment Forum

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Bratislava, Slovakia
Tatra Summit is a two day event that will take place on the 27th - 28th October 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference will host professionals from the most important companies and associations.
By bringing together an immensely diverse pool of participants and creating an open forum, GLOBSEC TATRA SUMMIT conferences aim to make a lasting contribution to defining the future of the economic and political governance of the European Union. Making sure the voice of the Central Europe is heard, GLOBSEC TATRA SUMMIT provides a unique opportunity for shaping and presenting the positions of Visegrad countries. The 2016 edition of GLOBSEC TATRA SUMMIT will be even more important as it will take place during the first ever Slovak Presidency in the Council of the European Union and it considered as the most important public event during this period. To learn more, you can consult the page of the event here.
The ZeEUS project will be presented at 16:35 on 28th October in Transport Stream session.
For more information, contact pauline.bruge@uitp.org.