Training on CONDUITS

Madrid, Spain
On November 26th 2014, just before the annual Polis Conference, a (CAPITAL) training on CONDUITS will take place in Madrid. CONDUITS is an tool that can be used for both the ex-ante and ex-post assessment of a traffic management measure.
The training is addressed to:
- City practitioners working on traffic management, or ITS systems, or evaluation or a combination of the previous;
- Policy makers that advice on traffic measures;
- Road authorities interested in adopting a holistic approach to the modelling and evaluation of traffic management measures and ITS;
- Public Transport authorities (to understand the wider impact of measures like for instance a bus priority route: what’s the wider impact on traffic flow/air pollution/road safety?)
The training might be interested for Public Transport Operators as well: air pollution and road safety are important topics for cities and it could be a good selling point for Public Transport Operators.
You can register for this event through the CIVITAS website:
More information about the training is provided in the flyer (to be downloaded here).