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ZeEUS – Zero Emission Urban Bus System

Bringing electrification to the heart of the urban bus network

Unveiling results from ZeEUS demonstrations: Bonn

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The ten core ZeEUS demonstrations cities, which have been the vital labs for testing electric bus real operational scenarios across Europe, will be in the spotlight in the following weeks. Last week, we shared with you the Münster demonstration results and we are now pleased to present the second city of the ZeEUS Demo series: Bonn.

The objective of the Bonn Demo was to roll out full electric battery buses with a slow overnight charging system at the depot. Six 12m full electric buses were part of the demonstration, which lasted from April 2016 until March 2018. The buses ran on the parallel lines 606/607 that cross the heart of the city centre, but also on other lines to show their suitability.

The ZeEUS Demonstration was the first step towards the ambitious goal of converting the city bus fleet from diesel to electric propulsion. Bonn will continue with the chosen approach, with the aim of finding the optimum technical solution for balancing economic efficiency with environmental sustainability. 

Learn all about the Bonn ZeEUS experience, downloading the brochure here and join us at the ZeEUS Final Event (20 March, Brussels) to hear about the project’s results and collect the paper copies of the Demo brochures.