ZeEUS Final Event Brings Pioneering Project to a Close
On 20 March, a final conference brought to a close the ZeEUS Project. Leading public transport and industry figures gathered to discuss the success of this pioneering project.
ZeEUS – the Zero Emission Urban Bus System – was a project that aimed to be the main EU activity in extending the fully-electric solution to the core part of the urban bus network. Over 100 high-capacity electric buses were tested in ten cities across Europe: Barcelona, Bonn, Cagliari, Eindhoven, London, Munster, Paris, Pilsen, Stockholm and Warsaw.
“UITP had the honour to coordinate the ZeEUS project, one of the largest electric mobility projects ever funded by the European Commission. As the coordinator, UITP leads the way in supporting zero-emission transportation as a sustainable and efficient form of public mobility in our regions and cities”, said Mohamed Mezghani, UITP Secretary General.
ZeEUS has led the way in supporting zero-emission transportation as a sustainable and efficient form of public mobility in our regions and cities. “Many documents and tools have been produced by the project in order to support the deployment of electric bus systems. We have been receiving many inquiries about electric buses. More than just a project, ZeEUS has become a reference point in the world of electric mobility”, highlighted Umberto Guida, Director of Research & Innovation at UITP.
ZeEUS has been instrumental in facilitating the interaction and joint efforts of policy and decision makers and funding and financing entities towards e-bus deployment. The ZeEUS network gathers a large and diverse number of stakeholders in the public transport, local authorities, electricity and energy, industry and research domains.
Moreover, ZeEUS has become a reference for e-bus deployment, acting as a hub of knowledge and good practices in the field for both experts and newcomers.
The demonstrations of high capacity e-buses are an innovative and necessary intermediate step to validating the economic, environmental and social viability of systems of electric buses for mass commercialisation.
Many outcomes of the project are available here. This section will be updated in the coming weeks, so check it out regularly!
For more information, contact: aida.abdulah@uitp.org